Spaniel Dog Breeds for Canine LoverS

American cocker spaniels are among the most prevalent breeds of spaniels. It is the smallest type in the Sporting Group of the American Kennel Club. 

American Cocker Spaniel

This intelligent, athletic, and eager-to-please dog breed appreciates the company of well-mannered children.

American Water Spaniel

This rare medium-sized breed originated in the Great Lakes region of the United States in the 19th century from a variety of other breeds, including the Irish and English water spaniels.

They make excellent family companions, but they require a great deal of exercise to satisfy their high levels of energy.  

This water-loving breed could be a suitable match if you live near a lake or the ocean. 

Boykin Spaniel

Boykins are known to have been kind, sociable, along with enthusiastic.

Cavalier King Charles has a long and illustrious history. Currently, it is the most prevalent spaniel in the United States.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Their popularity can be attributed to their characteristically warm, gregarious, optimistic, and eager-to-please disposition.

The Clumber, one of the largest spaniels on our list, is more tranquil than many of its other working counterparts.

Clumber Spaniel

Clumber puppy from a reputable breeder in the United States, you may have to place your name on a waiting list.

Cocker spaniels were once valued as hunting companions for woodcock, which is likely where the breed's name originated.

English Cocker Spaniel

They share similar characteristics with the American cocker, though their foraging instinct is typically more intense.

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