Most Affectionate Dog Breeds

Originally known as the gentle giant, they enjoy cuddling with their loved ones and do not cope well with solitude.

Great Dane

It may seem counterintuitive, but Great Danes love to cuddle.


They enjoy being the focus of attention and prefer to remain close to their loved ones. 

These photographs of endearing pugs will make you want one.

Retrievers, both Golden and Labrador, are among the most affectionate dog breeds.

Golden Retriever

They are intelligent, simple to train, and the best family dog. 

These low-riding canines are known for their diminutive size and strange resemblance to hot dogs.


Dachshunds are known for their loving and tender personalities and will happily spoon with you on the floor.

These small canines have large personalities and crave constant human companionship. 

Alaskan Klee Kai

Check out these adorable breeds of toy dogs that remain small eternally.

Boxer Boxers are known for being relatively silent, but they are extremely devoted to their humans and enjoy cuddling with them.


After a long day of exercise, which this breed requires extensively, boxers will gladly lie next to you and eagerly accept your hugs.

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