9 countries offering the best permanent residency programs 9 countries offering the best permanent residency programs lined circle
Lined circle norway obtaining permanent residency in norway is straightforward after three years under a standard permit low crime rates add to its appeal
Lined circle canada canadas universal healthcare and streamlined residency program attract many residents must maintain continuous presence but cannot vote
Lined circle new zealand two years of residency in new zealand lead to permanent residency eligibility various temporary visas pave the way for this option
Lined circle germany five years on a temporary visa three for spouses of german nationals secure permanent residency in germany
Lined circle finland four uninterrupted years on a temporary visa in finland grant permanent residency in this happiest country in the world
Lined circle sweden permanent residency in sweden is possible after 3 to 5 years of consecutive residency depending on circumstances
Lined circle czech republic after five years on a temporary visa individuals in the czech republic can apply for permanent residency
Lined circle portugal portugal offers permanent residency after five years of temporary residence or through investment or business ownership
Lined circle paraguay with simplified residency rules paraguay offers permanent residency after 21 months on a temporary permit attracting many with its low cost of living and travel opportunities