7 Companion Plants You Should Never Grow With Tomatoes - Junk Away Services

7 companion plants you should never grow with tomatoes

Corn tomatoes and corn are both heavy feeders and compete for nutrients in the soil leading to stunted growth and lower yields for both crops

Potatoes both tomatoes and potatoes are susceptible to similar diseases like late blight growing them together increases the risk of widespread infection

Brassicas cabbage broccoli cauliflower brassicas release compounds that inhibit tomato growth and can stunt their development

Fennel fennel produces chemicals that can negatively affect the flavor of tomatoes and inhibit their growth

Walnuts walnut trees release juglone a toxin harmful to many plants including tomatoes inhibiting their growth and causing wilting

Dill dill attracts tomato hornworms a common pest that can decimate tomato plants if left unchecked

Kohlrabi kohlrabi competes with tomatoes for nutrients and space leading to reduced yields for both crops