10 Best Dog Breeds That Don't Shed Much

Afghans are huge sighthounds with beautiful hair. Maintaining that long, silky hair takes time.

Afghan Hound

This dog has silky and coarse hair. The breed seldom sheds, but its coat grows fast and needs trimming.

Bedlington Terrier

Bichon Frise

It needs haircuts and baths every four to six weeks to maintain its white coat.

Boston terriers are active and friendly. Though it sheds twice a year, its short, smooth coat sheds little.

Boston Terrier

Lhasa apsos are active and loving with their families but reserved with strangers.

Lhasa Apso

The Maltese is graceful, lively, and brave. Daily brushing and conditioner baths reduce tangles.


Brush short-haired poodles weekly. Clip and bathe every four to six weeks.


Brush shorter haircuts twice a week. Depending on coat length, groom every four to eight weeks.

Shih Tzu

To remove dead fur, some individuals hand-strip their dogs' coats, while others use clippers.

Wire Fox Terrier

Every week or two, brush the coat.

Yorkshire terriers are brave. Brushing its silky, low-shedding coat every day prevents tangles. 

Yorkshire Terrier

Brush short-coated Yorkies weekly. Depending on coat length, groom every six to eight weeks.

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